Hi, I am Bowen Collins. I am a boy. I am in 5th grade.I am 10 years old. I go Central Park School. I play 2 sports, soccer and basketball. I like to play soccer more because I have played it longer. I play two hand touch football at school. I love my school. I have two dogs, one cat, and fish.
Pet's names:
Cat - Cash
Dog - Chicago
Dog - Eowyn

Hi, I'm the brother of two siblings. I am Morgan, brother of Bowen. I am 10 years old. My hobbies are soccer and two hand touch football and skateboarding. And I like money even though I don't have any. I like jokes.

Hi, I am Erin Collins. I have two brothers Bowen and Morgan. I am 8 years old. I am in the 3rd grade. I also go to Central Park School. I love to play with my friends. My hobbies are knitting and playing with my dogs and with my Barbies. I like to knit with my mom.
Hey, Morgan, do you know what monsters make with cars?
Traffic Jam...
Bowen, what do you want to be when you grow up? Tell us on the blog.
Chicky, you should put up a picture of some of your knitting.
I love you guys!
hey rochelle...guess i got your blog a little confused earlier when i thought it said you were a student! you are a mom,too...we have three beautiful children, joseph, 19, kyle, 16 and hannah joy, 12...i love your children's names!
keep on lovin' Steve Earle...do you have his new CD???
take care.....
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